Walk anothers path

Walk anothers path
Learn to dance a new dance

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Government scientists claim Bush censorship on global warming

Rick Piltz, a former senior associate with an interagency effort called the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, said he also witnessed resistance when attempting to communicate findings related to climate change to Congress and the public at large. Piltz resigned his position in protest in 2005.
He said one glaring example was the Bush administration’s treatment of a document about climate change called the National Assessment, which was mandated by the 1990 Global Change Research Act and published under the program.
“From the second half of 2002 onward, the administration acted to essentially bury the National Assessment by suppressing discussion of it by participating agencies for purposes of research planning by the Climate Change Science Program; suppressing references to it in published program documents including annual program reports to Congress; . . . and making clear that no second national assessment would be taken,” Piltz said.

" Cover up... Oil Companies, Oil Lobby. Who's making out here... Higest Profits in History for Oil companies.... Yikes!

Before UTube there was Virtual Valdez

1997 in Valdez Alaska Numan and I started a business. Virtual Valdez. This vid is a Virtual Tour of our home. Valdez, Alaska. We started something big... To bad we did not get paid 6 million for our vision... Oh well.... We loved it anyway. We also taught computer literacy and web building and helped to bring Valdez to the world. Go visit. Ski, hike, kayak, snowboard.... Get out and meet some great Alaskan's.
p.s. Made on a MAC.....
Go Hook Up..
Dean Cummings. H20 Heli Adventures
Rose Fong. Wild Rose By The Sea B&B
KCHU-Public Radio
Virtual Valdez
... there are so many more great people to meet in Valdez. Leave Alaska WILD!

This vid was edited and produced by Virtial Valdez on Monday, July 28, 1997, 7:13:46 PM. It was produced in my cabin. 200sq.feet. No power except what I provided. No running water, out house, a phone line, 300" to 900" of snow per year, endless summers, 9 cords of fire wood per season,family, friends, wilderness.... I was plugged in to my life and the world long ago...

What's changed in 10 years.... Lots. A Yurt and DSL are a great mix with the wild... Go figure.... and I still want to go camping!

Panama Canal View 1940s ( Dwight R, Hutton)

Dwight R. Hutton. Panama Canal Views. USS HEnderson, USS Iowa, Us Navy.WWII

History, Panama, USN, Uss Iowa, W7HB, WWII

Weather, Rivers, Home, How to Check your Safety

Local Weather conditions for Ojo Caliente.

Local River Discharge: Rio Ojo Caliente.

Know your weather. We use these links all the time to keep an eye on things. The Ojo flooded several times last year. We could see it comming hours before it hit our area. Neighbors flooded. No local help. Neighbor helping Neighbor.

The Rio Chama River ( Got To Go Back)

Play in full screen on Ytube.
River rafting/kayaking with friends on the Rio Chama. Permit river on the upper. Hot Springs, bears, eagles, ducks, geese, rocks, beauty, quiet. simple living with good friends. It's the best.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Land Clearing (Building)

Play it Full Screen on YTUBE.
Land clearing, well, septic, electrical, yurt platfom and snow. Cove visit.

Dwight R. Hutton (W7HB) Grandpa

VJ-Day. Pearl Harbor. Hawaii, 1945
Check out the Surf Boards...
Aloha and Mahalo Grandpa.

Our family has been to war. Many of us. Grandpa was one of my hero's.
1945, Pearl Harbor, Us Nave, VJ Day, W7HB

Talking to myself. Deer!

Saying: Where ever I go there I am. My thoughts!
How do I get ahead of myself....
Why am I always so far behind?
Then!...and what's even more sad... Some one of myself said...
Ok Stupid... It's a circle.
Only the me ahead of myself got it and he's not telling.
The me lagging.. Hell. He's lost obviously
and me.... Here I am.
Not getting it. Hell!!

Oh yea.. Deer. (Pict:Also Jemez Mt's NM. This buck and I spent about four min together with two does. Way Cool! Glad I was there to see them in the wild.)
Not to far. Safety is NO ACCIDENT.

Black Elk Speaks.

Follow the Deer. He will always lead you to food, shelter and most inportant.
Home. They are also not good for cars or other light vehicles. Moose are worse. Another Story in Moose, WY outside of Jacksonhole involving a once perfect trailer, and truck meeting mom.. Not good. Have Ski Goggles!

Today: Chopping Wood. It's Winter!

After watching "Alone in the Wilderness" i had to go and cut some wood. Sus, Quill and I rounded up a cord and a half in two hours. Got it home and bucked by hand in one more. I've always enjoyed wood gathering. It can take so many forms. Go get wood..... :-)..
Pict Info: Jemez Mt's. NM.2006

Monday, January 29, 2007

Our Yurt Alternative!

Sound Notes: First one is my head hitting the top of the door. Duck if you get 6' walls and your over 6' All others should be good. Other sounds.. The Wolf BBC vid. Yes I look at all I post. Like alternative? See "Alone in the Winderness" Some may think it's survival. It's living. You just forgot how to live that way.

Our Yurt. It's not the first Yurt I have lived in and I must say I really like them. ( Bears can rip open YRUTS. Another Alaska Story.) There are all variety of Yurt makers, MFGR's. and like most products there are differences. You always pay for what you get.. sometimes to much. If you think so you can always build one yourself too!. Shop around. Check Ref's. BBB, Ask Questions, Fabric, Soft or Hard Dome, Window treament, Is the door hardware installed at the factory, What is covered under warranty and what is not.

Some MFGR's have been around for a long time and some not.. Still Look around. Have them send lots of info, Some have tons some do not. You'll need to know about the other options too.. Stoves, Awnings, Sky Pannels... there are so many.

Strentgh. Workmanship. Quality... If your in your backyard in NM ours is fine. I would not put it to the test in Alaska on Raspberry without modification. If your planning on having one sent to a remote location GET ALL THE FACTS and make sure your order is to spec. Know Spec. Your platform. Your foundation is your responsibility. GET IT RIGHT. ( I do test outdoor equipment and write reviews. Mfg'rs send me your gear and I'll work it over. )

Check your delivery as soon as it arrives. Document (photo) your set up and any problems. We had a few. As Delivered. Bent Rafters, 3 not notched at the factory, A sewing tear in the Soft Top and a few other issues. You can be creative and fix most stuff I think on your own. Fairly Simple Stuff.

We made several modifications to ours. Better window ties, added a loft, benches, office, sleeping areas and it's home. We'll post some stills of each phase. Platform, Walls, Ring, Rafters, Top Cover and More.

Get Alternative. Go Round or something... Know a good or bad yurt story post it here. Know of other good/great Ideas... Please share. Happy Yurting.

Alone in the wilderness

Richard Prooneke. PBS

I long to go back to Alaska... The Wilderness. To live simply and to simply live. It is a quiet place. Humbling and oh so honest. aho Lati

Sunday, January 28, 2007

10 Rules I live with. Can You?

Click on the Image to Enlarge the picture..... so you get the message... Thanks
Aho. Lati

Lakota Instructions for Living

Lakota Instructions for Living.. in 54 seconds. It's just that simple.... GET IT.

Willing To Become a Tree
Lynn Noel
7-99- Kinsley Kansas

I had just come from within the medicine wheel with my friends.... The night moon was full and bright. It was a magical night of mystery.

I walked the roadway my bare feet touching the earth. I saw a tree stump cut just above the ground... I stood upon the tree.. As if to be a tree.

It felt uncomfortable... this bonding with the tree. Pain rippled through my feet and up my legs...

What was this pain.. to whom did it belong... To me, the tree or was it a shared pain in our knowing our scars.

We struggled the tree and I.... shifting, adjusting our weight , balance and fit....
Suddenly my arms reached out... branches of the tree my arms became.

I stood tall within the spirit of the tree... within the sacred life. Almost as suddenly as my arms had raised... the fell to my sides.... eyes closing.

Eyes open to the night moon and to the mysteries of life. I stood tall, bending, strong and sure of the tree... I could see my arms holding the moon, I could feel my arms at my sides holding my spirit.

As I stepped off the tree. I bent to touch itís scared surface with my hands..
a few more words and we parted... Each thanking the other.... For a moment we forgot the connection of balance of the sacred life.

Bless you my roots, our roots I said.... the tree replied: Beneath the scars my roots still grow and will forever support anyone willing to stand with me and be a tree.

The Wolf. (MAKAI) Thanks BBC

What I know of the Wolf. Love.

Meeting The Wolf Girl
lynn-96 ....a story for Brooke

While hiking deep within the old growth forest of the Chugach Mountains in Alaska I met a wolf girl.

She was shy and much more sensitive than I. So in touch with her child self. She said...

Listen to me and I will help you to find your child self. I listened for she was wise.

I am a wolf and also a girl she explained. I have great desires and you must honor my sense of self.

I am at peace with myself, my being. I am also nature. Within myself and nature...
I rest, gain strength and live...

Sometimes... I soar with the eagles. Gaining clarity of vision and freeing myself from my limitations.

As I return to the forest... you may also return to the forest she said. You may not see me but I'll be there. You'll be protected, I'll share my strength , my vision and together we'll grow.

Sometimes we'll travel together and sometimes apart. Our spirits will be drawn to the mountains and together we'll climb... confident in our direction for new lessons await.

The wolf girl spoke again... Will you have faith and believe one thing.

I answered yes.

Nothing... Absolutely nothing happens in the creators world by mistake. Do you believe this she asked. I replied yes....

How is it your so wise I asked... That's easy... She said... I'm seven and seven is a very powerful mystical number. There are seven heavens, the world was created in seven days and I am youthful.

All of a sudden I was alone with the moon and the stars. Yet never lonely... For every night I hear her sweet song singing, nooooooeeeeeeeellllllll.

I love you Brooke- dad

Lt. Ehren Watada on Refusing to Serve in Iraq

Lt. Ehren Watada speaking at the Veterans for Peace 2006 National Convention August 12, 2006 in Seattle about refusing to serve in Iraq

I was in the Navy. I loved my service as I love my country. I support Lt. Watada.

Michael. A Lokota Medicine Man. ( Thanks)

I was working one day in AZ. I was told I would meet a Lokota Medicine man several weeks eariler. This day Michael walked in. Few words were spoken between us. Michael invited me to his home so he could speak in the proper place.

We had lunch and blessings and then Michale and I went to another room. I gave Michael a gift acknowledging him in my life. A feather. I had questions. but I know it's better to listen.

I understood as Michael told me of his life. I understood it was my life.

If this is the path you choose. It will be a lonely one.
Family and friends will be your critics and often will tell you they need you more than others.

The ones who really need you will ask. They will ask in a proper way and you will go and give them what they need. They will also support you but not with money. They have none.

This was all Michale told me. It was enough.
I knew I had already decided... I was alone and now I am one on a journey. Will you come... I can only ask. You are free to say NO! I'm used to traveling alone.


My Personal War. I won... Native Son

Warning: Note:
This is not a true call to War and I do not ask anyone to harm another. It is a call to your soul to know yourself and to cut out that in your lives you know is not right, that which is not necessary. Rethink who you are, who you have become. Find your true self and true name. When you have done these things speak your name and I will hear you and know that I am not alone in hearing the cries of the children, of the elderly and in my passing I will not be alone for I will know that I passed on in a good and honorable way knowing that I will not be forgot. Because you know my name and I know yours. My friend. I bless my mother "Norma" and my friends and the silence I have known in my life. I bless All My Relatives who have spoken to me in a good way.

I am Lati.

Native Son
Kinsley Kansas

I am a white man because of the color of my skin, because of my family and our lineage and because of our language which I have learned, spoken and continue to create. Our culture now reaches out to create in our image a new world

Throughout time, my time, my family, forefathers were all raised in the ways of the culture.It is not I would like to think anyone's fault.... It is as we were raised.

It is what we know as a culture, men women, children. It is the knowledge and ways of our ancestors...We are a lost culture and we are afraid and in our fear we seek to destroy ourselves our children and our home. Mother Earth.

Fear.. because we are ignorant, small and single minded... Our shame.... we are without heart... without spirit.
We are becoming a world culture who is creating our language which continues to bury our children and our elders
without dignity... without honor. For our people I mourn... For we are truly a lost people.

I am a Native Son because beneath my skin like all brothers, sisters I am.... we are red, we are one.. all things all my relatives. With all my relatives I sing a mourning song for that which world culture is destroying without regard because of greed and oneness.... of self.

I turn my back to these things now... these ways, this culture... that which the our culture says is good and proper... further they say they are right because their god and religion justify their cause and actions to all others on this planet... this world. There is only one "God" and he/she is within us all. There is no separation from self just as there is no separation from "God"

I am a Native Son and I turn now to face the center with my all my relatives and embrace my true family.... for it is here within the center I must be to truly know our hearts as one... all my relatives.

You might ask how it is I come to this place, this heart, this knowledge of the Great Mystery ? It is quite simple. I have journeyed far and long... a life time... far from the culture you create and your ways. It was a hard journey and long fighting the battles of the soul.

It was a journey I took into the wilderness alone. I was alone with my heart. With this knowledge I have been taught and have learned. Within moments of my arriving I knew something was desperately wrong. I knew I must fight the sacred fight. The battle of self for I could no longer lie to myself, cheat myself or surely I would die and within moments if not within days or weeks.

I knew at once I must forget that which I had been taught by many in my life. Forget the language of the elders I knew for they were not wise and or honest in their teachings of the proper way to be.

Alone. I began the struggle. The fight. I survived the moments, the days, the weeks and as time grew long and turned into years I found myself one day surrounded by all my relatives. They came to me and spoke. I was astonished for I thought they could not speak. They were all there. The four legged, the winged ones, the swimmers and the crawlers. The green, the waters in the forms of rivers, streams, lakes and the ocean. The old ones the rocks and mountains. Mother Earth and Father Sky, The Four Winds and Directions and I found myself within the Great Mystery and I was humbled. I am humble and therefore I listened with patience. I knew I must be quiet so that I could hear and truly understand their language.

They took me to a place deeper within the wilderness far from everything I thought I knew. As we walked in silence the gathering grew and grew and the forest became deep and dark. It was a place where everything was wet and cool and as I walked I became as clean and as pure as the land upon which my bare feet now walked.

All at once the darkness within my soul and the forest opened up and the sun shined in with a brilliance and warmth I will never forget. There we all there with me. All my relatives. We spent the day in preparation for the night to come. The meeting of the council the furthering of my teaching and the knowing of my life.

I was given a name at birth (Lynn) I was given a name by my friends the Owl and Bear (Lati). Now I would come to know my name and my true self as one. Tonight I would for the first time speak my name with courage. I am Lynn/Lati. Hear my name as I speak so that you may also know my name.

I come to you now and in a humble way to tell you my story. To tell you the story of who you are and the story of the world culture we have become. Some of you know your names and speak them clearly and in a good and proper way. Be sure I hear you now as I have always heard you.

Others speak, but they do not know their name and their voice is weak for they are dying. We must answer their calls, answer their cries. For some it will be to late and they will pass on. For the children we must move with great swiftness or they will be lost also as will we all.

I return now to my story... the meeting of the council with All My Realitives They told me of these things I have now told you and they gave me a knife and told me what I must do......

With my knife to the flame I made it pure within the fire. I smudged myself within the sacred smoke of cedar, sage and sweetgrass and sat within the council with my relatives the eagle, bear, elk and raven... I sat quite without a word and listened to the council speak. They told me I am a Native Son and called me to join them in a fight. The sacred fight with all my relatives. The bear spoke to me as he smudged me within the sacred smoke.... As I listened to his wisdom I pulled my blade from the fire and with the blessings of the counsel I go fourth now to do battle with a world culture and their ways.... to fight for the children and the old ones... to protect them from a world culture who have adopted these ways, these teachings, this language and black hearts.

I now sing a warriors song given to me by the bear. Hear me as I growl. Feel my mother earth move as I walk in your direction. Towards you.

The choice is yours as you gave us the choice. Adopt the ways of the earth people or be abandoned and or pushed onto the small reservations you the world culture call our homes.

On the path of war I will wield my blade. Cutting out your tongue so you can no longer speak your language of lies. I will cut off your hands so you can no longer write your words that hold no truth. I will cut out your hearts for as your words and writing they have no honor and no meaning for my people of the earth for all my relatives.

I am not your son, not your brother. I am Lynn/Lati my mothers son. I abandon your world culture to suffer as we have suffered and perhaps to die as you have left countless of my family to suffer or die without honor, without dignity.

As I come to you with my blade drawn. Know that I offer life as well as death. Death without dignity or honor. Life with dignity and honor for all life that is sacred.

The struggle. This fight will be long. Has been long. The battles will be bloody. Have been bloody but we will succeed in our ways, for there is no other way. You will surely kill us all with your ways. So we choose to fight for life. For all life as we the Native Sons are strong within spirit. Strong within all our relations.

This battle may last a thousand years perhaps more, but of this be sure. We shall win and we shall win without your knowing for you are ignorant and savage in your ways and wil

How do I know these things you might ask ?
The reasons are so simple and right under your noses. So close you choose to be blind. Look around you. Your creations even now are crumbling into dust. Returning moment by moment to mother earth from where you came, from which all things were born.

I suggest you run as fast as you can. Leave your cities, your creations, your guns, your violence, your greed, your selfish ways, your teachings, your "Gods which you have made and which justify your struggle"

Take with you your families, friends and neighbors and return to the wilderness to wait by the fire. To wait by the river. To be in the quiet and listen to the council with your souls and hearts open.

I will return with the other Native Sons one day when the battle is done to see what you have learned. To see what your hearts have become and how you have taught and raised our children.

Together we will smoke the pipe, feast and dance the dance of one nation within the circle of life, within the Great Mystery. We shall beat our drums and bang our rattles and blow on the whistle of the Eagle and we shall honor the council, the elders and the children.

We shall then send our children back into the world for they will have the knowledge of the forgotten. The will know the proper way to be. They will know the songs and how to dance. They will know how to live properly within the circle of life.

As for the Native Sons. Here we shall remain. In the wilderness to honor and take care of the elderly who we have shamed and forgotten. In a humble way we will take care of them without a word for we have no right to speak. We shall listen to the elders take the time to understand all that we never had the patience or will to learn all that has been gained in our absence.

We shall learn their language, songs and dance in humble way as we tend to their needs and the needs of the council. The council will also speak and we will listen. Listen to the Four Legged, the Crawlers, Swimmers and Winged Ones. We shall listen to the Thunder Beings and to the Four Winds and to the teaching of the Directions. We shall listen and learn without a word to the Green, to Father Sky and Mother Earth. We will listen to the old ones the Rock and the Mountains for they have had the most patience of all.

Once we have heard their language and know it in our hearts, our souls and when we have become old and wise within the ways of the earth people. Then and only then will our children return.

It will be our time to rest. To be taken care of and respected. By our children. It will be our time to join the council. To take our place as the elders must. It will our time to teach our children. It will be our time to smile for we will know that we have finally come full circle within the circle of life. As we have for the first time in many generations honored ourselves, the red road , our Mother, our Father and All our Relatives. For the first time we have honored our children because we choose fight and won the battle.

Because we have fought and because we have knowledge of the struggle and have overcome ourselves and have become as one within all things. We will teach our children the songs, and the dances of life. Of the sacred life so that they will not forget what we have sacrificed in this battle. Our very souls.

Then at last when we have done our duty in our humble way. We shall return to the fire and return our blades to the council. The war is over and we shall rest for the remainder of our days in comfort till our Mother and our Father takes us home.

This story was born out of a dream in which my daughter Makai and her drum were sought out by the people of this world culture. The people who believe in this world culture of destruction, of lies, of selfishness and disregard for all sacred life. They came to chase her down. To destroy her drum, he heart, and her life because she stands against these ways of this world culture with the Native Sons.

In her wisdom she ran to the wilderness and sought shelter and safety within the comfort a of the council within the comfort of the deep woods. From this place she called my name and crying out that I might hear her and respond. I heard her terror, her heart pleading that these people this world culture and these ways must be stopped. Her life and so many others must be saved. She cried out to me her death song and I heard her plea to live. I heard all of the children cry.

I am a Native Son, as are you all. We are the only ones who can take up this fight. Please lend me your soul, lend me your heart and together we shall move forward to do what we must. To do what our children are crying out for us to do.

Save ourselves from ourselves before it's to late. Before we can no longer stand within the council of All of Our Relatives. Our heads hung in disgrace and as we tell them we have failed.

Bless us All My Relatives as we as I begin the struggle now. Do not give in my Native Brothers we have much to gain. Our honor, our hearts and the praise of our children and of our Mother, our Father, of all life within the circle. All Our Relatives

If we fail. We shall never know it because of our ignorance and we will die alone hearing our children cry.


I ask you now. Go into the wilderness if only for a few days. And when you return... Let me know who you have become. I will be waiting to hear your name as you speak.

I leave now for the wilderness.... for ten days. To know the direction I will take upon my return. I hope we will walk together and in a hubble way with All Our Relatives and our Relationships as one.


George Bush Senior. (CIA DIRECTOR)

Quote:Remark to Reporter Sara McLendon
"Yea Sara, if people find out what we have done, they'll chase us down the streets and lynch us"
George Herbert Walker Bush

The story of my drum. The Center of my life. I am now a keeper.

The Healing Shrine

The Story of My Drum.....
Lynn /Lati Noel
Kansas 1999

From my mother I came

On the ancient lands I grew....
A seed cast on the wind source to meet mother earth.
As I reached out of my shell I touched mother earth... the attraction was instant...

Calling forth my growth.... mother earth open up and accepted my roots and my yearning to join her and all the life she holds within her.... mother earth.
I could not resist our joining.

Plunging my roots deeply within her soils I grew.. a year, five, ten, a hundred, a thousand and more. I became a great home to myself and to all of the creatures of the land and sky. They come to me for food, protection, shade, shelter from the rains and sun.

They climb within my branches, fly and perch on the heights of my highest limbs to rest, gather strength and to know the safety of my home. Here within my home we tell stories of the natural, nature and the wilderness. Stories of all the children Our family of life.

As I grew older, I learned to stand tall within my home reaching for the sky and sun.... though sometimes bending and swaying within the space where earth and sky meet.

One day a great wind blew across the plains.

It was the mountains heart wind down from the north... Honoring the eagles mate....
My trunk has faced east towards her heart for many lifetimes now. I look into the sunrise of her smile with the beginning of each new day blessed by her love and the new life given to us all this new day.

It was during the Hot Sun Moon that a williwa wind blew out of the north... it felt cool on my skin in the heat of summer.... I danced wildly with the north winds.... my leaves flew about with the great winged ones. On the winds we danced....

I reached out one of my limbs to touch the sky...
To short were they.... to high the sky.

So I cast off one of my limbs to the sky. Breaking open and exposing my inner self,
my soul to all..

As the branch fell from the sky earth bound I felt the loss of my limb touch the earth... mother earth again accepted my gift ... my giving of myself to her.

She gave back to me mother earth... healing my opened soul my broken branch cast off
as I danced with the northern winds.

I grew in silence for many years after... reaching for the sky.... the stub that was my branch weathered, decaying began to hollow. It became the claw of the eagle reaching out to capture the sun in the sky as it flew by.

A man came on the north windsource one day. Like an eagle he perched within my highest branches. Looking within my tree he saw my decaying limbs and in seeing them cut them from me. Blessing and healing my wounds. The man then climbed down out of my branches onto my trunk. He jumped into the air as if to fly. Falling gracefully to the earth his feet came to rest on mother earth with mine.

We stood there together the man and I. Tall in the north winds as they gently touched the ancient lands with the coolness of the north, bending, dancing, and silent.

The man laid his hands on me and offered this prayer. Bless you my brother, my sister, the fallen one. Earth, sky and sun set your spirit free to fly with me.

He blessed the north winds, the earth, sky, the sun with his offerings of smoke and prayers in a mindful way. He then told me he was leaving but would soon return to sing the song of your giving and of your gift....
of your life, dying and rebirth.

He left on the east wind carrying with him my scared remains. His touch remains soft on my skin... my bark. I feel his coming and heís not yet out of sight... I watched him fly higher and higher circling above me till his wings touched the sky...

His mate came on the wing.... on the east wind to join him...
they locked talons and tumbled down from the sky separating just above me I could feel the windsource on their wings gently touching my leaves with life....

The two flew off in separate directions the female back to the east and the male to the north. I watched them fly till night fell in pink, purple and sliver. The wolf came with the moon rising across the southern sky... she told me about the eagle she saw flying with my limbs northward.

She also knew this eagle and told me stories about him. He lives in the land of the north slopes near the sea. Between the endless horizons of the sea and mountains. His home is on the Lowe River between Makai and Shauntee Mountains in the range of the Chugach Mountains. From his home he can see from the mountains to the sea... from the horizons of the sun ... of the moon...

There are two rivers flowing through the land below. The Lowe and Valdez. From the mountain tops where the eagle lives their waters were born... together they meet in the valley of the Makai... the wolf. and of the Shauntee... the lynx.... meeting in the valley they flow together within one water across the earth meeting and joining the sea.

The river flows free, running wild and full, from the mountains to the sea... the river is free. The eagle knows the river. The rapids, the canyons, the valleys, eddies, the ëvísí of the correct path on the river... The deep fast moving channels of life which hold us all with the waters to meet the sea.

The Makai told me more about the land of the north... of the endless summer sun of the long days and of the long nights the endless darkness. Of the mysteries of the Northern lights which dance in the sky within the northern land.... of the wilderness nature and the natural ways in which all things there live... The land of seasons of extreme.

...... Silently they sat together the Makai and the tree.... Looking at the moon.. a pair of owls came from within the mystic light... bringing with them the more news of the eagle. One owl spoke her name ìlady of the lakeî and the other was windsource.

The Lady of the Lake spoke of the eagle and how she saw the eagle give your branches to the bear. The bear took the great branch and tore it in two pieces giving them back to the eagle. The eagle carried them to the banks of the river Lowe.... Like eating a salmon the eagle gripped the log in his claws he tore out the interior decaying wood from within the branch with his powerful beak.

The river began to flow red and many creatures came to feed on your remains tossed out of you by the eagle. It was a great gathering of the clan of the north. The eagle stopped his work and spoke to the clan of the north..... the dying, the decay is cleansed and the wood of the cotton wood tree is healed.

Offer your prayers to her ëthe treeí for her giving to us all of herself. In sharing her life, dying, renewal and rebirth. Come now to the valley of the Makai of the Shauntee and sit with me and tell me your stories under the northern lights and the moon.

As the clan spoke their names and their stories the great eagle took his claws and carved their story in the flesh of the logs.... The land of the north of the natural, nature and wilderness.. the clan brought gifts to the eagle... feathers, moss, northern woods and rock, fur, and hides.

The eagle took the gifts placing some within the log resembling his claw reaching out for the sun. This is our heart he said to the clan.... Held within with beauty, mystery, and knowing what we know... what we are sure of... our life knowledge.

He held up the other log... carved in itís skin was a picture of the eagle and of our land... the northern land of two rivers, of the Makai and the Shauntee.. It tells the story of the red road the right path....

The bear gave the eagle two elk hides which he had torn and some shredded lacing ...
the eagle capped the logs on one end tying the heads securely with the lacing to the log.... The bear told the eagle to let the hides dry until the sun rises in the east and await the magic to come.

Another Owl Windsourse is her name.... she came from the east. With her came a hawk,
a raven and a bear known as lazy J. They came from the plains where the cottonwood tree grew. Windsource thanked me for helping to heal her tree. She and the others told their story of the ancient mountains heart of the plains.

Of the ancient lands and peoples, of the great mountains now sand dunes across the plains. It was the story of their lives and of the natural, nature and wilderness within us all. Though in this world. We are not of it... they spoke of the elders knowledge.

Lazy J the bear spoke his story of his life. I am the keeper of the drum... the bear he began. As we listened to the bears story.... We knew we were also the keepers of the drum.. the story tellers of our life, our lives, our nature, natural and wilderness. The protectors of the ancient ways.

Lazy J the bear took up the log from the cotton wood tree on the plains and held
it towards the rising sun. You are the drum he said... meet grandfather sun, and to
the drum he said... this is your brother the eagle... your keeper... the keeper of the drum.

He will keep you in this land of the northern sky so that the stories we have told of our lives will live within his hands and yours. Take your hands from your hearts.... and touch this drum. Tracing the circle of life on itís skin.... take your hand back to your heart and trace the circle of life within your heart.

Begin your drumming following the beat within our hearts... Begin on the edges of the drum again tracing the circle of life, gently waking the spirits within the drum... began moving softly towards the center of the drum with each beat of your heart... softly then loudly as you move to the center of the drum...

When the center of is reached.... beat loudly when you feel our hearts meeting....
we meet within one heart beat. We are the drum The keepers of the drum... The story tellers...

The Owl Winsource spoke again... It is time for the eagle to return with us to the cotton wood on the plains... To bring the gift of rebirth to the land.... the river long to dry is free flowing, wildly from the mountains across the plains to the sea the river is free.

They took flight in the morning sun.... flying into the rising colors of day.
The windsource, lady of the lake, the raven following the beat of the mountains
heart home to the plains to the ancient ones.

As they had left they returned from within the sun they brought the gift of rebirth
to the land the drum to the tree. The eagle told the story of the northland journey,
the story of the drum, the great gathering of the clan and the stories of their life of their hearts... The tree wept with joy seeing her child the drum within the claws of the eagle. Her childís heart beat loudly.

Windsource and the Raven invited the eagle into the medicine wheel on the plain...
the wheel of life. There the eagle blessed the drum and the sacred life of the land of his sisters and brothers of his father and mother, grandfather and grandmother and of all families within the circle of life.

The eagle vowed he would keep the sacred life alive and tell the story of life.
Windsource and Raven shared many gifts with the eagle... the greatest gift was
the meeting of their children.

Strong youthful hearts beating loudly, clearly... We are your children hear our
hearts beating as one with the natural, nature of wilderness. We are youthful and
you our elders must teach us to be mindful of our hearts, of the path on the red road, of the drum, of the circle of life... we are your future. The keepers of the drum.... the story tellers.

Protect us said the children to the eagle... from those which would do us harm...
we are your children... nurture us well with beauty, inspire us with the story of
the sacred life and set us free... Flying beyond your years our story to tell of the
ancient oneís gone before, of the keepers of the drum, of our hearts beating as one.... the children spoke to the eagle.... to me.

The eagle heart was touched by the children.... youthfulness and awe filled the
eagles spirit lifting him higher and higher above the circle of life... the medicine
wheel on the plains... above the children...

The raven joined the eagle in the sun and spoke these works to the eagle....
This eagle your lightning chant... your power and ours. Learn it... know it in
your heart, speak it from your heart.

Know and speak of our hearts beating as one... the ancient ones, fathers,
mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, the children... our family. All within the sacred life we are alive.

The Lightning Chant
Light of power. Lance of light.
Touch this crystal stone
send its life in arrows through my sacred ground within.
Send the light, send the power...
Touch this crystal stone...
Touch this body. Touch this spirit
Keep the sacred life alive. From the Raven-Sissy. 7-99

The eagle flew into the sun.... His shadow nearly covered the earth....
his wing tips shot lightning out filling the sky. Calling out to the mountains
heart his soul mate to join him. She came on the east wind to join with him.

Talons locking together they blocked out the sun... a moment of darkness ...
the mystery of life took the children home.

Tumbling earthbound... the sun broke from within their spirits filling the sky
with color..... the sky heavy with light with color poured down upon the earth
upon the sacred life alive.

The pair separated to the east and west circling to the north they met at the river long to dry... which now flowed wild and free from the mountains to the plains, from the plains to the sea... the river of life is free. The circle of life is again complete.

The pair of eagles honored their love for each other there beside the river..
Vowing not to forget their love, their friendship, the gifts they received and gave... They vowed to keep the sacred life alive... I also took that vow!

Kinsley Ks.99

Drum with me....

Personal Reflection On My BLOG. What am I learning?

WOW! It's alot of stuff. Good and enlightening stuff I hope. Eluminating the TURTH we try so hard to deny. Our childern I guess is what most concerns me. What is their futuer. What are we creating, manifesting for them? I must have hope in HUMANITY. We are the future. Lies must stop. Our governments are spending us into hell. A hell of our own making. Trillions of OUR dollars and no accounting.

Techonoligies that are available to solve all of the worlds ills are available and yet we're being forced to live to spend. More debt with nothing in return. Not for us LITTLE PEOPLE. I was glad to see people of all levels and stature in the last Video say enough is enough. Many were (are ) willing and have come forth and will even go to congress and tell the truth. Congress and Government does not want this truth to be told. I can't ask why... Not my adgenda. My adgenda... Exposure and light.

This goes out to all who have supported our gonvernment in these lies. Can you join US the PEOPLE of the eatrh and EXPOSE whatever truth's you know. PLEASE. GEt the word out. Eluminate us with your knowing. Thanks in advance.... Lynn

Picture Note: A carving on a drum I made. Emergence. The symbol is very old. When I saw it.. I knew it's lesson. Can you find it. Tell me so I'll know you get it too!

Hint. A way out..... or the way in?

The Best I have seen on UFO'S

Typical: Government Hides The Truth.
Un Typical: Now more than ever people in the KNOW are SPEAKING UP and OUT. Is this a movement we can sustain. BLOW THE WHISTLE..... ON ALL LIES. We can handle the truth... Think about the Techonology We have today. I knew this long ago. Computers and much more all appreaed on our shelves way to fast.

Way more than just UFO's This movie has much deeper things we must ACT ON and NOW!
Who are the 25 people yanking our chain.... I want to know. Do you? Help US EXPOSE LIGHT. Thanks again...

If you only watch part.. watch from 1:00 on.....The last (1) inch or so tells so much about out DENIAL.


Ok INTERMISSIONS Over... BAck to my stroy of ONE.
In this case. The History of numbers. Specifically ONE.

This was a very cool little movie for all ages...Adults can get a different message.
Also.. Money, Intrest, Accounting, Loans. The Money Changers.. It's all here.. even computers... One meets Zero:-) Enjoy Terry Jones.

Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium

Come on now..... You gota laugh at ourselves.... If it ain't funny ...fix it.


Reality imitating Bush... WOW. This is sooooo Bush. This guy is leading who.

Bush vs Bush

What changed? More Bushshit..... Art iminating life.....

GW Bush... John Lennon. ( Imagine )

Rated "X" John Lennon uses the "F" word... I would have to! Don't shoot the messenger. Art ALWAYS IMITATES LIFE....Don't like what you see or hear... CREATE ART.

Common-A Dream (Music)

ALL HAVE DREAMS..... Peace....

Fleetwood Mac-Dreams ( Music )

Create DREAMS and Manifest.

The Cranberries - Dreams ( Music)

You have my heart...so don't hurt me!
We are one....I'll feel the hurt we share also the love.

Listen to the Children..If no one else. They get it!

ONE VISION. Create it and Manifest it through this boy... in yourself. Thanks
Re: I Have a Dream Project - Daniel Stringer... go post yourself...

Carl Sagan on evolution

Great thinkers... Intent. Can it change a crab? Sure.....
Carl Sagan on evolution

I have a Dream. Dr, Matrin L. King.

Nothing else to say. Dream and Manifers your DREAM. Don't forget we are one...and can have one vision.. It's ours to create... But it takes ACTION. Now is the time. Peace fo Peace. Like I said... I love History... Especially when we learn from it.
I have a Dream. Dr, Matrin L. King.

I Have a Dream Project - Daniel Stringer

Tell us DREAM.... NOW! I want to see your vision of things so does Daniel. Show us the love....

Robert Mirabal - The Dance - Native American Music Dance

If you look at the top of my blog you will see a picture. Eagle Dancers. Dare to Dance your life. Dance the Dance.
Robert Mirabal - The Dance - Native American Music Dance

Medicine Man: Robert Maribal

I searched Google for Medicine Men and Shamans. I found just one. Robert Maribal. I had the pleasure of hearing him in person several times and once with my daughter and Suz. We danced on stage. It was easy to be one. Thanks Robert. aho. Lati

-j. robert oppenheimer. (Tears for Us) Our Knowing what we have done.


we waited until the blast had passed, walked out of the shelter and then it was extremely solemn...

if the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky that would be like the splendor of the mighty one...

the optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist knows it.

-j. robert oppenheimer

Science and the Soul: J. Robert Oppenheimer and Doctor Atomic

The science of the Soul. It's not so hard to understand... Is it. "IT" Just is....
Thanks again fo taking time for our soul. We are one. How many times must we be told this... Till we get it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tesla - the missing secrets

The Father of AC/ Alternating Current... What else he knew. I love history... when told properly.Tesla was a true visionay. Tesla was a very spiritual man. I have seen first hand is work in Alaska... The Haarp program...

Touching Peace. A poem I wrote in 1991

Touching Peace
1999 Alaska
Lynn/Lati Noel

When I touch life with deep awareness and mindfulness I touch all moments.
Past, present and future. There is no greater joy or peace I find in this life than
the moment of being fully aware of life.

I have experienced this life as many have. As many will, and as many do.
We are one. So why would we not share the same experiences. I know my past,
my present and future... they are one. All meeting in the same time and place
within my spirit. I am one with all things.

The way I experience life has not always been this way. Like others.
I used to worry about many things. Money, jobs, bills, mortgages, friends,
lovers, family. Much of my life was consumed with catching up, trying to
get or stay ahead. Rarely did I feel I was breaking even emotionally or financially.

Within the moment I find myself within all things. I know I am here in Alaska.
My feet touching the snow. My face in the sun. Eyes closed. I breathe in the
air not as an unconscious act but with awareness. I feel the air passing over my lips, across my tongue, into my throat, filling my lungs. My chest begins to expand slowly.

Once my lungs are full I pause for a brief second to feel the fullness within.
How I have taken in the world. I slowly begin to exhale. As I empty my lungs I release myself from all but the moment. I see myself standing in the snow. The snow begins to melt and becomes a river. t first I find myself on the water or more properly. I am a wave. I was out of control as I curled within the currents and crashed on rocks and other obstacles.

I have traveled the river for many miles as a wave. I am more than a wave.
I am the river. I am the water. This was not something I knew without awareness. As the water I am all things. Touching all things. It is a global prospective.)

I touch a friend who is dying in this life. She is not dying but continuing.
She will live within me as she will live within all who know her.
I am there beside her now. I can see her smile and feel her warmth thought
we have never met in person. She is the water.

I touch a stranger. Like the wave he is riding on. Angry with his world. Blaming,Selfish angry as the wave. He struggles fighting his way. He's stuck now in the snow. I watch him cursing, yelling at his wife for his mistakes. She begins to cry as the wave washes over her. She to becomes the wave. Struggling within the water.

I see a man a woman and their children. They are the wave. I watched as the Father and Mother let the smile of their child go unnoticed. The child went to play with his brother. The two laughing children were told to shut up so the parents could watch TV. They are the wave.

The water runs through us all. This water of life. It has no beginning... no end.
It is continuous. It is the past, present and future, it is the moment when all things are possible...
even becoming the river.

A Poem By Elaine Casey. (My Friend) Happiness It Will Achieve

Happiness It Will Achieve

A pained soul.
Unhappy with the journey that it has taken.
The desire to find it's right partner is growing stronger every day.
Looking back at what it wished it had done.
The depression setting in.
The fear, anger, and frustration all attacking it's border.
Invading and causing havoc.
A light is now shining inside.
A change is occurring.
The hope that something better is out there becomes alive within.
The right partner might be out there.
The soul mate it wants.
Sometimes, It wants to leave with no thought, no plan.
But, that would destroy its chance for survival.
It feels trapped.
Wondering how to get out.
When to get out.
Should it really depart it's existing situation.
Be happy for itself, or make others happy by remaining?
That light continues to shine.
The idea becomes a plan.
The plan will be put into action.
Life will be better.
The depression is still there though.
The existing situation still tries to keep it from leaving.
But it must go.
It must be with the right one.
The soul mate that it needs.
That it wants.
That it deserves.
The time has come.
The decision has been made.
Happiness it will achieve.

"Happy Product" Get Happy. An Animated Short.


Just Searching GOOGLE for something... Like a clue, news, knowledge, a job. Search out life. Log off often and get outside, hug someone... Anyone! Make your day Magic.

Search 1: Angry Proteters Results: 1 - 10 of about 117 (0.038 s) RSS (Just In Video)

No Results for "HAPPY PROTESTERS. Hum...
War Protesters only got 54 video results
Peace Protesters only got 5 video results
Just PROTESTERS got 800 or so...

New Search: "ANTI" 22,667 are anti something...
the "FOR" Search=1,658,444.... for something.
"On The Fence" only 50?????????? Wow! I thought there would be a bunch "ON THE FENCE"
Only about 150 "ON THE SIDE LINES"
About 171 "TAKING A STAND"
6 "LEFT EARTH".... Only 6.... They must be connected.
203 were "LEFT IN THE DUST"
11,097 had their "LIGHT PUT OUT"
70,467 were "LOST"
8,776 were "HUNGRY"
only 10 were in "DISPAIR"
178,103 had "HOPE"
and even more had vision 188,103
but only 1 medidated on what he saw....while 25,733 sat silent

How many of us are there... Small numbers for so many. Who is silenced 6,230,000
In Denial 47,900,000
who is MISSING 237,000,000
WORLD POPULATION: World — Population: 6,525,170,264 (July 2006 est.)
Found In "MASS GRAVES"2,070,000
MIA 116,000,000 for mia
101,000,000 are on the hunt.....
266,000,000 will never to be found.
1,090,000 have vision creators...
15,000,000 have a clue
how many survive.44,000,000
How many are in the wilderness.... This is cool... 41,400,000 for wilderness... some already got lost...
but 35,000,000 will COMPLETE THE JOURNEY...
and of that only 697,000will become as ONE.

The last search I did was... WHO CAN HELP ME... 1,480,000,000
Cool.. I need help. Thanks for searching.... I'm glad only 10 of you are in DISPAIR...I can handle 10 all by myself:-)

Welcome to Gadsden.info, my Web site devoted entirely to the Gadsden flag, the defiant "Don't Tread on Me" symbol of American independence and freedom. This applies to ourselves, our government and our rights as "HUMAN BEINGS"

FREE SPEACH: What Scrapted has to say.

He asks us to comment. Me to. Speak Freely and PROPERLY.

Lynn-Six Months to Live (1997)

Lynn- You have six months to live.

I knew when I left Seattle for this cabin in Alaska my life would change.
I had no idea I had so little time to live.
Is this why I wrote this vision down. It was a a chance for life.
My Life's Journey Continues
Lynn/Lati Noel
I came to Alaska leaving behind many meaningful and important things in my life.
As the miles between Seattle became greater I sorted out that part of my life that could no longer be and put it behind me. Like the dust curling behind my truck in the wind. I will also settle down to the earth.

This is a journey of self experience and awareness. Guided by my spiritual guide the eagle. I will climb ever higher so that my visions of life are full. I will also soar close to the earth so that I may experience the moment and detail of its offerings so sweet.

I'll continue to look for my soul mate along the way. I have shared the vision of the eagle's love embrace. Locked together risking their love and friendship on the wing. Trusting in one an other's connection with confidence... they fall nearly to the earth. Only to soar again in celebration of their bond. Separate yet forever together.

I have also shared the vision of the eagle of this land called the last frontier. Alaska. I have seen this place many times in my visions. It's more beautiful than I thought it could be. From a place that fed on my soul to a place that feeds my soul. I am beginning to again feel my rhythm's of life come into harmony with my mother earth.
On the wing... to travel my journey. To explore all that it has to offer with new passion for each moment...
Six Months to Live... I called my daughters and brought them to Alaska. My friend Sharon also beside me. I made my peace as I had little choice it seemed. I had been diagnosed with a progressive cancer in Seattle and was infomed of the news once I got back to Alaska.

Not many know this. Some family and friends. One a dear lifelong friend never knew as we never discussed it. Several years ago I found out John was also diagnosed with the same outcome at the same time. We both were misdiagnosed... Thank GOD! Bad Tests.

This news did not change much for me in terms of my death. I died anyway or big parts of me did.
When faced with death.. not much mattered beyond my daughters, family, friends, my peace with all of them and my peace with or in my death.

Not a job, money, food shopping, laundry, travel, school, my list of what I needed got really short.
How people reacted to this news still shocks me as I see it repeated in nearly every death I have known or wittnessed. It's not about you.. the people who are not dying. It is about the person dying. Help them to go in peace and with your blessing. It's a big journey and one we all will make alone. No one crosses with us.

Some people got angry, others told me to have courage, others walked away because they could not face death... had nothing to do with mine. My death.

Life. What I learned about dying. Generally we'll not get a warning.. We know it's coming and yet we struggle so hard in life. We are dying... What is important in your life? This is your warning to live it "WELL" When the time comes for me. I'll know love and will not struggle. Thank you all who have shown me this way. See you on the other side....

p.s. give away all your stuff so family,friends, foes can't fight over your life things.. Leave them nothing but your love. If they don't get your love... they don't get it.

Death.. No worries. We die and are reborn every day... What can you let die off in your life so that you might more fully live your life? I've died many times. Go to the light.....:-)

Don't pay your DEATH TAX.
Picture Note: Mississippi, Hurricane Katrina. I went to help out and got really tired. This was a place I found to rest, die and be reborn. Mississippi died too. I saw it. Mississippi will be reborn too!


I met Steven in Alaska long ago. We started a business "Virtual Valdez" It rocked and so did we. We taught together at the U of Alaska Valdez. Web Building, and Computer Literacy. We played, skied, boarded, shared stories with "Hollywood" and did all kinds of wild sh--. He's the man.. A great friend. Many years have passed sense 1996.. Numan has never let me down. I'm glad someone like Numan has my back.
I'm glad for Numan in my life...

What's Happening in Washington DC. Today.. Ask Numan

Just got a call from "NUMAN" The Boss Balling Hog!. He's in Washington DC. You know our capitol. What's up? He'll tell us when he gets back. Picts too! "We SOME OF THE PROPLE" are protesting looks like. I wonder what. Bush,War,Taxes.....

I bet it could be almost any of these things. Watch the MAINSTREAM MEDIA TONIGHT. Will we see these protests? I doubt it.

Who wants to see Americans Prostesting. Looks bad for Americans guess...

Be a patriot! Like Numan...Like War Vets, like Americans. Stand UP. Can't be there... act locally. Use your voice, money,vote and peaceful resistance to create change. Thanks NUMAN. I love you man..... Peace for Peace

A week in the Life.... Mine in Alaska! This is Living!

A Week in the Life
Lynn Lati/Noel 99
Raspberry Island Alaska

The week began not unlike many other weeks in this place. AKA-Fred arrived after traveling several nautical miles from another local remote port to pick up Randy myself and our big dog "Iron Bear" hereafter know as "IB"

This was my first trip to my new home on Raspberry Island. Our transportation was a 17' bass boat with a 90 hp Johnson outboard. The boat was loaded with supplies for a couple of weeks until the main supplies arrived. As Fred and I completed lashing down the supplies R&C cast off the bow and stern lines.

Fred jumped on the controls and the engine responded rising the bow. I stepped forward to the bow and the boat was soon up on step and our friends quickly disappeared as we rounded the first bend of this inner bay.

It was September and the fall colors of the Poplar, alder, and fireweed set the landscape ablaze with color. From the shores to the valleys, over ridge down and up again to the tops of the surrounding peaks the land was alive in color.

The sea in the bay was flat and calm. Reflecting the surrounding landscape on the surface of the water like a mirror. The only thing that broke the scenery was the wake of the boat as we sped along.

Randy and Fred began recounting a story of their last trip out to Raspberry Island. The waters outside of Antoine Larson Bay were rough and the Shelikof Straits and Whale Passage were very rough with tide swells. Then there was Kupernof Straits. I had only been in Kodiak for two days and had already heard much of these waters. The history of these waters surrounding Kodiak is very old and the waters have claimed many boats and fisherman. Some of the locals describe the waters as a Nasty Piece of Real Estate.

Now Fred and Randy were telling me how they were crashing through green waves on their last trip. Today seemed different. The day reminded me of one of those rare days growing up in Hawaii. The seas were dead calm. Clear and reflective for miles. This was going to be one of those days I told Fred and Randy as I settled in on the bow between some ropes and the anchor. Randy replied." We'll see. It may look calm here but just wait. Fred nodded in agreement.

It took about fifteen minutes to get outside of Antoine Larson Bay. The bay snaked it's way round several bends. The inner bay was so calm. A few cabins dotted the shores tucked within the spruce forests or peeking out sitting on the edge of a bluff overlooking the bay. It gave me an idea of what was to come.

The Shelikof Strait was now open before us. A open crossing of several nautical miles to Whale Passage. The Shelikof was also flat and calm. Fred was quiet and Randy was still holding his breath. Within minutes we crossed the Shelikof and headed into Whale Passage. The tides that usually rip through the passage were calm today. Slack Tide. We hit the passage perfect. We began to emerge from the passage and Fred looked our into the Kupernof Straits scanning the horizon. Within minutes Fred shouted. "looks like it's going to get rough in the Kupernof. I turned my position to gain his prospective. As my eyes fixed on the horizon I could see what Fred was talking about. You could see the white caps breaking wildly. I could not believe the weather could be so different within a mile or so. Fred assured me the conditions can and do change within minutes all the time.

I started to button up my gear as we watched the waves breaking in the Kuperonf. Our gaze became fixed on the horizon watching the waves break in the distance. Suddenly they stopped and the seas became calm again. Then erupting again. It was then that Fred shouted. "Whales, it's whales"

We were moving fast, about 40 knots and fast approaching the pod of whales. As we got closer we could see they were Orca or Killer Whales. We were still confined within the waters of Passage, just preparing to enter the Kupernof as the pod surrounded us. We counted seventeen adults and three new born orca measuring less that eight feet in length.

Within seconds we were surrounded by the pod. Two of the largest Orca came about and flanked our boat as we passed through the oncoming pod. The pair swam within six feet of us, dwarfing our small boat. Their dorsal towered above us like mountains just off our stern. You could look into the waters beside the boat. Clear and emerald waters within which you could look into the eyes of our guides. It was truly a magical moment.

I was trying to get Fred to stop the boat so we could spend some more time watching the pod swim by. Yet our guides seemed to be urging our movement away from the pod. Perhaps is was because of the young. Fred, Randy and I were in a state of euphoria. Clapping our hands and hoping and hollering. Fred has lived and boated these waters all his life. He has had many experiences with marine life, but none compared to today he commented. I to have had many encounters. But none to match this. Randy was speechless.

The rest of the trip to Raspberry Island was flat as glass. The fall sun though low on the horizon was bright and warm. We traveled in silence. In reverence and in awe as the landscape continued to open itself to us. We crossed the Kuperonf and followed the shore of Raspberry Island. Sea otter, eagles and gulls doted the air and water spaces for the remainder of our trip.

As we approached Onion Bay you could see a old trapping cabin just above the high tide line. Looking at the cabin, I realized my life would never be the same. I have traveled literally thousands of miles perhaps more to come to this place. More than miles. I have spent my life preparing for this day. The day I take a step back in time, or back into time.

Much of my life has been typical in terms of living, working and relationships. Living: looking for more in life. Time, possessions, material benefits or comforts. Working: mostly for larger corporations in the computer and retail professions. Relationships: Twice married and divorced. Two children and a handful of family and life long friends stand beside me today in support of my dreams.

Others... just do not get it. Primitive, dangerous, isolated, are just a few of the words they use to describe my decision to move to this place. Yet in their eyes, hearts, their lives I can see the part of me that moves me to this place. Never enough time or money. The time they generally have is spent working, traveling to and from work. The rest of their day/night is spent balancing family, friends, activities, and in the maintenance of their lives/lifestyle. Most I know are not happy, yet they defend their lives as full and rich.

As I steeped off the boat on the beach in Onion Bay. My feet met my home. The tide was high and before me was a "man way" a log bridge rising up from the beach about twenty feet. Wow ! My driveway... cool !

I turned back to look at Fred and Randy and saw a box coming my way... "better catch" says Randy, don't want to break the eggs! Unloading the supplied and personal gear commenced. Next was the trek up the man way to the bottom of the bluff. Had to accomplish this before the tide came up much higher.

It took the three of us about thirty minutes to get all the loads up the bluff. The walk/hike up the bluff is only about 150' perhaps a bit more. You disappear into the spruce forest at the top of the man way. The trail winds steeply along the edge of the bluff deeper into the old growth forest. Cresting the top of the bluff for the first time was breathtaking.... Old growth Spruce towered hundreds of feet above the main house. The forest floor was open and covered with moss, ferns, and other native plants. Sun filtered through the forest lighting this grand open space with golden light. It was truly impressive.

A further tour of the property included the discovery of a old trapping cabin which had been converted to a BANYA. A Alaskan steam bath/bathing area. Also a place of gathering of friends and family. There was a platform for the Yurt we would soon be erecting between the Banya and the Main House. All three set near the front of the property overlooking the bluff and Onion Bay. A few hundred feet back from the house you could make out another larger building. Our shop. It was twice the size of the Main House.

I marveled at how my partners had accomplished so much in such a short time and given the bluff we just hiked up. Packing the materials must have taken hundreds of man hours and toil. Then I was introduced to the "Green Machine" A Dodge power wagon with a ten ton winch. Anchored between two 200' Spruce the Green Machine it lowers a slightly modified snowmachine trailer to the bottom of the bluff. Then hauls up to 3000 lbs back up for unloading. It takes about an hour to move a full load up the hill, off load and return the trailer to the beach for another load. It is quit impressive to see the trailer creeping up such a rugged trail. The truck doing the hauling and another crew belaying the trailer on a safety line... just in case the cable broke !

Looking at the Green Machine. I realized it was the last vehicle I would see in a long time and it was not for driving. I also for the first time realized just how much of my life had been spent, often wasted in a car or truck trying to get someplace.

As the next few days settled in I discovered much more time in my days and nights. Time once spent watching TV, stuck in traffic, being places I did not want to be or trying to get to places I wanted to be. I also discovered a quiet I had never heard. Though I have traveled many times into the mountains and or remote places within the lower 49 states none were as truly quiet and devoid of human sounds as this place.

The only reminder of that life was when the generator fired up to charge our battery bank and broke the natural silence or when the occasional bush plane or fishing boat would buzz on by.

Within a week I settled further into the routines of the bush life. A typical day begins early around 6:00am. Climbing out of the bed, stoking the fire and putting on some coffee. Warming the house. sipping coffee waiting for the sun to rise. Writing, reading, cooking breakfast and relaxing. It's a gentle awakening. No alarm clocks, deadlines, meetings, distractions.

The bush life requires outdoor participation and activities as a routing in life. Little time is spend indoors. Building a dream also requires active participation so our days are filled with activities ranging from wood gathering and chopping, maintaining and or building additions to our facilities. Hiking the terrain around the property daily to inspect our water supply lines and to see check up on our neighbors. Roosevelt Elk, Sitka Deer and the most famous the Kodiak Brown Bears.

On one such day. I was heading to disconnect one of the water supply lines to prevent it from freezing as he temperatures had began to drop below freezing overnight. I was alone on the island except for my two friends Iron Bear and Tequila (two dog buddies). Great companions but like all friends sometimes they bring trouble.

This day the trouble came in the form of two 800 pound Kodiak Brown Bear cubs recently kicked out by their mom and they weren't none to happy about it as far as I could tell. It all began with Iron Bear hereafter known as "IB" and Tequila heading down the hill to the river below. Once there a yelling match developed erupted between the two cubs and the dogs. Growling and barking "IB" had the pair in tow and was fast approaching me.

Fortunately I knew "IB" did not like guns and I drew my 38.cal pistol and fired a shot off in front of "IB" changing his direction. He continued to run up the valley away from me and the bears. The shot did not detour the first cub in his quest for "IB". By this time I was headed for a cabin some 60 yards away. I was running a parallel course with the second cub who was still coming in my direction.

Running towards each other in this way was the only way to safety. I made it to the cabin before the bear reached the top of the bluff. Within seconds I climbed on top of the roof of the old trapper cabin and was looking flat as a shingle. Trying not to move or make any noise. The cub stopped for a brief moment scenting the air with a couple of gruffs and disappeared into the valley below after his sibling and "IB".

It took several moments to gather my thoughts and for my heart to settle back out of my throat. It was about then that Tequila showed up. She was being real quiet and waited under the cabin for me to climb down. I was not done thinking!

Ok. I said to myself... accessing my situation and options. It's getting dark. I know there are two bears wandering around in the forest. All I have for protection is a 38.cal and a 44.cal pistol. I'm about a half mile from the cabin and it's going to be dark before I could get there. Oh. One more thing. If "IB" makes it home first thing he's going to do is try to get in the back door of the cabin. If "IB" is successful I could have the "Three Bears" waiting for me when I got home.

Well now I'm thinking to much and don't want to go home. I spend the next hour making my way to a neighbors cabin. He had left a couple of days before and had showed me how to get into his cabin in case I needed anything. This seemed like a good option to me and Tequila didn't seem to mind. We spent the night at John's cabin getting inside well after dark.

Richard Prooneke. PBS

I started a fire while Tequila poured us some Blackberry Brandy. What a good dog ! We heated up some grub and settled in for the night. Morning came finding Tequila passed out on the floor by the fire and me in the chair next to the fire. Downed a couple of cups of coffee while dressing up and headed out the door leaving Tequila to guard John's and the Brandy.

I decided to hike down to the beach rather than walk in the forest. The terrain is much more open and I figured I have a better chance of seeing the bears if they were still in the area. I hiked down the bluff from John's down to the beach. The tide was low so the exposed beach was wide. I stayed near to the edge of the bluff moving my way down the beach towards our cabin with caution. Still only packing a 38.cal and a 44.cal pistol(s). I was wishing I had taken the shot gun.

When I got below the our cabin. I decided to climb the bluff about 50' and then to climb a tree to a height sufficient to view the cabin and surrounding area safely. I climbed the last few feet in the tree and looked out over the property. All seemed quite. no movement of any kind. I called out "IB" and out he came from under the house. None worse for the incident. Although he was a bit grumpy for a day or so. Trying to tell me... What the hell were you thinking. I'm being chased by bears and then you start shooting at me. I hate guns and bears !

Spent the rest of the day securing John's and rounding up Tequila and getting some fire wood bucked up. I figured the additional noise of the chain saw would help to deter the bears from the area. It began to get dark and I was on the way to the shop to fire up the generator for a coupe of hours. I get back into the house and hear the VHF radio chatter. "Abby Joe" Calling US Coast Guard. Please respond.

The "CG" responded. Abby Joe this is the USCG standing by. The captain of the "Abby Joe" responded. We are located on Raspberry Island. There are six in our hunting party and one of our group is missing. USCG: Please move to channel 22. I also switched channels to stay with them.

Abby Joy. USCG Standing by. Abby Joe responded. We lost our partner about two hours earlier. The last we heard from him was several shots fired in rapid succession. We know he had limited ammunition and also some physical limitations in terms of sight. The hunter had eye surgery in one eye shortly before this trip so his sight was impaired.

By this time the weather had kicked up. Pitch black in the forest. Fifty to sixty mile per hour winds pounded the rain against the windows of the cabin. The CG said they would be unable to help till morning light and suggested the rest of the group continue to search for their friend as long as it could be done safely.

The GC and the Abby Joe determined a radio contact schedule and agreed to keep in contact with each other every hour till in the morning. By this time I figured the party was not far from my location. Less than a mile. Further that the missing hunter was in the area where I had seen the bears the day before. I grabbed the mike of the radio and spoke: Shoonaq' calling the Abby Joe.

The Abby Joe. responded. Abby Joe Standing by. I told them that I lived within a mile of their location and informed them of the bears that were also in the area. We arranged for their group to meet me at my cabin leaving one of their party there in case the missing friend returned on his own.

It took about 30 minutes for the three to arrive at the cabin. I met the three men coming up the hill from the beach below. I invited them into the house so we could make a plan and so that I could show them on the map where I had been with he bears in relation to their friend. Sure enough. All three were in the same area together.

I asked if they had tried to fire off any shots to try to get a response from their friend. they had not. I went out immediately and fired off three shots. The wind and rain were howling but through all the noise I heard a single shot response to my call. The others heard it as well.

We gathered some of our gear from the house and grabbed a couple more flashlights and a flair gun and proceeded out towards the Shay's cabin. The spot overlooking the area where they had last seen their friend and where I last was looking like a shingle.

I must admit the tension was high in the group. Flashlights do not carry far in the forest. You couldn't hear a sound above the wind and rain which further hampered our vision. Lastly walking was made difficult by the terrain roots, tree falls and mud patches. We reached the Shay's cabin after about twenty minutes. Hiked out to the edge of the bluff and fired off a few more rounds. No response this time.

We waited about ten minutes scanning the horizon and the valley below for any signs of light, perhaps a fire. Nothing. We fired off a few more rounds and again waited. Nothing. We then decided not to risk hiking about in the woods and getting someone else hurt or worse having a run in with the bears. I escorted the party to a point on the bluff just above their cabin and traveled alone back to our cabin. When I arrived back at the cabin I heard the Abby Joe calling me on the radio.

I responded. Abby Joe. Shoonaq standing by. The captain of the Abby Joe had been in contact with the party I was with and they arrived safely back in camp. The winds and waves in the bay were to wild for the captain to anchor the Abby Joe for the night and he informed me he would be in the bay all night on wheel watch to ensure the safety of the boat. Further he would keep his search light scanning the beach and keep in contact with the CG as we agreed. He then said get a good nights rest and we'll hit it in the morning.

By 8:30 am it was beginning to get light enough to continue our search for their friend. The rain and winds had subsided and the Abby Joe had anchored out in front of our cabin and the crew was walking up the bluff to the cabin. We wasted little time in making out way to Shays cabin and began out search again. Splitting up into three groups of two we found the missing friend within an hour. Cold, Alive and kicking. He was injured. He had fallen into a patch of Devils Club and injured his good eye. Now he could barely see.

I never got the whole story as the man was rushed down the beach and put on the Abby Joe and transported to Kodiak for medical attention. Everyone else stayed behind to continue the hunt. I hiked back up the beach to the cabin. After a nerve racking couple of days I just hung out and got some needed rest. Two days later while sitting on the couch reading I heard three shots ring out and they were close. I jumped up and into my boots heading out the door to see what was going on.

I emerged from the house and scampered out to the edge of the bluff. I saw Fred and Randy coming up the bay in Fred's boat. I ran down to the beach to greet them... bounding out of the forest above the man way. I yelled to Randy and Fred. Was that you guys who fired the shots? Now was their reply. Another boat was speeding our way. They were the group of hunters I had met earlier while searching for their friend.

They hit the beach and one guy jumped out of the boat. Running towards us with a rope in hand he began to shout. Did you guys see that bear chasing the bull elk down the beach? What bear ? What Elk ? We missed the whole thing and it happened right in front of us.

The group of hunters watched what they estimated to be a 1100 pound Kodiak Brown Bear and a Bull Roosevelt Elk of equally impressive size cover more than a half mile of beach within a mater of moments. Two of the hunters were walking on the bluff when the Elk crested the top of the bluff right in front of them. Within seconds the bear also crested the top of the bluff and was charging right for them and the elk that had just crossed hair path. One of the hunters fired off the three shots deterring the bear off the elk.

The bear took a quick turn and headed back down the bluff to the beach. Then the bear jumped into the water and began swimming across the bay and doing so right in front of Fred and Randy as they came into the bay.

Fred had brought Randy out to the island so I could go back out to Kodiak to meet with my partner Rick. We had to move fast according to Fred as the weather was kicking up in the Kupernof. The forecast was calling for NE winds to fifty miles per hour. I ran back to the cabin and gathered a few things, grabbed my dry suit and headed back down to the beach where Fred was waiting. I jumped on the boat with a push off the shore and we were off.

We entered the Kupernof and were immediately met with wind driven and tidal driven waves. Now I was going to get to experience the power of the Kupernof first hand. Fred's 17' bass boat was feeling really small in the churning seas. Fred and I stood behind the small center podium trying to keep the freezing spray and waves from crashing directly on us. The waves pounded the little boat relentlessly as we hugged the shore of Raspberry Island, slowly making our way towards Whale Passage.

No whales today. We reached the point where we had to make a dash across the Kuperonf and head into Whale Passage. Crossing the Kuperonf was very different today. The 5' to 7' ground swell combined with the high winds whipped the Kupernof into a boiling sea of whitecaps and breaking waves which pounded at our boat. Fred clung to the steering wheel and managed the throttle, while I tried to keep hold of the side of the boat and a rail on the podium. We stood so as to lesson the pounding on our bodies as the boat met the waves.

As we entered Passage we saw two large tugs pulling barges. One tug coming towards us and the other entering Whale Passage from the opposite side. We had to pick out lines in between the barges and the tides. It was bad enough to battle the tides, but the huge waves cast off the barges and tugs tossed us around as we weaved out way through the passage and tug traffic.

As we came out of Whale Passage into Kuichuiak Bay the meeting tides of the passage and the bay boiled and churned. It reminded me of some of the big water rivers I have been on. Eddies, huge boils seething up from the depths. Whirlpools that would easily suck a kayak beneath the surface. The most impressive feature of the seascape was the most spectacular standing wave I have ever seen.

This wave stretched across the bay for more than 2 miles in length. It's face was smooth rising about 6' plus. The wave itself was very stable and regular with only the top of the wave curling off the face. The 40 mile hour winds held the face of the wave up like a wall. The wave tops were carried off the backside of the wave in a fine silver mist which stretched out behind the wave like a fine silk vial.

I have seen this wave many times during my travels to and from the island. Both on the water and from the air. I can't wait for my whitewater boat to arrive this spring. Once on this wave you could literally travel miles traversing the wave. A squirt boat would really have some fun in the eddies and whirlpools. Some of the waves made me feel like we were in a squirt boat as we bounced our along the transition between the wave and the boil line of the meeting currents.

Making a dash for Antoine Larson. We made the shelter of Antoine Larson Bay. Tucking into the bay just ahead of the approaching storm front. I was glad to step off the boat onto dry land. Fred still had to travel 12 nautical miles to get back to his home. He headed out just as the storm hit the top of Antoine Larson Pass. Within seconds the wind squalls were chasing him out of the bay.

I met Rick at the dock and jumped in the truck and headed off for Kodiak. It took most of the 21 miles to get my drysuit off and get warmed up. Just in time for dinner and some brews with some friends. Can't wait for next week....GRIN
Lynn/Lati Noel