Walk anothers path

Walk anothers path
Learn to dance a new dance

Friday, February 2, 2007

The Eagles Heart

1999- Kansas
The Eagles Heart (My Drum Song)
The Eagles Heart sings to the Wolf in the northern sky with a gift from the Hawk.
Listen to the winds....

" listen to your thoughts and the thoughts of others with mindfulness and patience."

The ancient winds of time...
" Our wise and mindful elders"

As they dance across the plains..
"we dance with expressions of our soul on the reflections of our path ahead"

Watch the sunset as it slips beneath the western sky...
"dance with your most spiritual, intense, and powerful self towards
your nearly completed goal. Your sisters and brothers will dance with you"

Hear the calling....

Hear the cries...
"of sadness and joy"...

Walk the path on the red road to the river bed that once flowed free.... from the mountains, to the plains and onto the sea...... the river now sleeps... and is to long dry...
" Walk in your direction on the river of life, with quality, color and flow."

Follow the river till it bends to the north... and wait there quietly...patiently... for the moonrise in the east... " our new beginnings ....be ready for the gifts you will receive and the knowledge to use these gifts wisely."

Trace the track of the moon across the nights southern sky... " here you will find your most basic and pure self and explore and seek out yourself and your spiritual connections in life."

Fly with the Nighthawk towards the eastern sky....
" towards a higher and lighter awareness... towards new beginnings."

Walk out of the river towards the cotton-wood trees to the north and sit within their shelter..... hear the winds... the ancient winds calling.... hear the ancient winds cries... Look to the east ....for the sun to rise.....
"celebrate your healing and revel in your joy."

Hear your sisters and brothers calling you to begin your life anew... from within your soul softly comes your reply drifting gently on the winds..... the ancient winds of time....

Put your hands with others on the drum... and play with the rhythm of the souls...the music flows through us all and is carried to greet the dawn...

Sing to the wolves on the northern winds... With the hawk comes his gift... lifting our spirits high... freeing our souls to fly.... I am glad to meet you my sisters... my brothers.... you bless my soul and I bless thee....

My hand on my heart... from the drum it came..... gently waking the spirits song. " the first lesson... I learned... to keep the grumpy spirits happy and celebrate a happy song"

With the gift from the hawk.... a tear of joy.... falls from my cheek... the river once dry is now flowing full... wild and free..... From the sea to the mountains... from the mountains to the plains... from the plains to the sea.... the river is free... The circle of life is again complete.

I am well in the light of your sun.... as the eagles heart sings to the wolf in the northern sky with a gift from the hawk. Thank you my brother for your gift.....

Lati June 6,1999 The naming of my drum- To: Jerry and Joan with many blessings and thanks.
To: The Wolf.. Brooke Makai. My heart will always sing to her. and to all my relatives waiting to fly... or be on the wing.... be well.

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