Walk anothers path

Walk anothers path
Learn to dance a new dance

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Michael. A Lokota Medicine Man. ( Thanks)

I was working one day in AZ. I was told I would meet a Lokota Medicine man several weeks eariler. This day Michael walked in. Few words were spoken between us. Michael invited me to his home so he could speak in the proper place.

We had lunch and blessings and then Michale and I went to another room. I gave Michael a gift acknowledging him in my life. A feather. I had questions. but I know it's better to listen.

I understood as Michael told me of his life. I understood it was my life.

If this is the path you choose. It will be a lonely one.
Family and friends will be your critics and often will tell you they need you more than others.

The ones who really need you will ask. They will ask in a proper way and you will go and give them what they need. They will also support you but not with money. They have none.

This was all Michale told me. It was enough.
I knew I had already decided... I was alone and now I am one on a journey. Will you come... I can only ask. You are free to say NO! I'm used to traveling alone.


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